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With every step that life takes towards tomorrow, the world is getting digitized and speeded up by all means, and in this world if you do not have a digital presence, you do not exist. We believe in Fyohat in the natural development of life and its transactions, and of course, marketing should have evolved from before.. In the past, marketing was a one-sided channel of communication with the customer (the advertiser), but today, digital (electronic) marketing has become a two-sided communication channel, the first is the advertiser and the second is The customer, and therefore we strongly believe in the power of digital marketing in all its means, because those means are fertile ground for advertising that, if you are not present, may turn against you and you do not know because there is no way for you to respond. We are honored in Fiohat to provide the best e-marketing services from the beginning of planning, analyzing data and markets and developing the marketing strategy to designing, creating, implementing and managing all advertising and marketing campaigns, and helping you to get the best results. Among our services:-

This helps to find audiences and potential customers who are interested in you and what you offer, build a relationship with your customers, and get feedback that helps improve the level of services and build loyalty towards you from your customers.

  • It is one of the most important digital marketing strategies, through which you can directly promote a product or service to your existing and potential customer base, develop the relationship with them, and increase sales, and these marketing activities include everything from creating great content and distributing this content through social channels, Or increase awareness of your website through search engine optimization, or pay to advertise on search engines. Now, we will shift our focus to email marketing, which is one of the highest converting marketing channels. In particular, email marketing serves as one of the best tools used to focus on engagement, conversion, and retention of a customer's buying journey.


  • There is a joke among SEO specialists that says: “The best way to hide a dead body is to put it on the second page of Google search results.” Of course it is a joke, but it is meaningful.. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and tell us, if you search for something on Google will you care about the results Beyond the first page?
    Of course not.. and we bet you that you will always find what you want at the beginning, and this is our role in Fyouhat, we are with you to the best ways to appear.

  • This term refers to all advertising campaigns in which money is paid for electronic display platforms, whether they are social media, visual display, advertisements within websites and appearing within search engine results.
    And with Fyohat, we guarantee you the best results through analytical study, choosing the most appropriate advertising communication platform for your activity, planning advertising content and implementing it with the best targeting of search words, interests and study of the potential customer until you reach your ideal customer.
  • Digital marketing is a vast sea whose waves change every moment, and in that era it became natural to keep pace with the changes that would raise the performance of advertising campaigns in order to improve the percentage of actual customers, and that only comes by analyzing the existing campaigns, updating them and following them up first by analyzing data and results.
    And, of course, our evaluation does not end in Fyuhat at that point - what is the benefit of evaluation without improving the results - but we develop plans for improvement and the best ways to target the ideal customer and implement those adjustments in order to raise the efficiency of work.


  • We do marketing and advertising campaigns, the main objective of which is to achieve spread and increase the number of followers and bring more activity to your electronic identity.

  • We study your activity and field, and then we make plans that will make you or your activity a popular news or campaign that will earn you more fame and spread.

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